4 Essential Ways to Take Care of Seasonal Allergies | CTG Blog skip to Main Content

4 Essential Ways to Take Care of Seasonal Allergies

summer sunset over field

If you’re in the city, ragweed pollen is constantly in the air, on your clothes, and in your vents. It flies everywhere and gets in everything. Even before you step outside, the symptoms start. If you’re an allergy sufferer, we know that your symptoms are not to be taken lightly. Here are four essential ways to take care of seasonal allergies this season.

Before We Begin

girl blowing nose because of seasonal allergies

It’s possible that the symptoms you’re experiencing are actually caused by sinusitis and not seasonal allergies. If your congestion and runny nose are also accompanied by a painful sensation in your sinuses, fever, headache, and post-nasal drip, you may be experiencing a sinus infection. We recommend that you visit your doctor to rule out other possible health issues.

1. Try the Local Honey Method

honey in jars next to lemon

This is an age-old trick that is quickly gaining popularity due to its ability to truly help people of all ages overcome their allergies. Essentially, local honey can act like a vaccine. As it contains pollens from local plants, taking a few tablespoons every day will eventually help immunize you from all the nasty stuff floating around in the air. This non-invasive and delicious remedy is suitable for the whole family. Just try not to overdue that spoonful of sugar.

2. Taking the Right Allergy Medicine

allergy medication

Allergy medication is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Everyone experiences allergy season in different ways, and everyone’s body is different. That’s why not all medications will work for you. Antihistamines aren’t the only type of allergy medication out there. There are also corticosteroids, epinephrine, and mast cell stabilizers, to name a few. Plus, there are many dosage methods that may be more suitable than others, such as oral medication, nasal sprays, and inhalers. Consult with your doctor to find out what kind of medication is the best for you.

3. Keep the Air Clean

clean air clouds

It’s no secret that the very air you breathe can trigger an allergic reaction. That’s why it’s so important to make sure your home is as clean as possible. Depending on the severity of the pollen levels, it may not be enough to keep your doors and windows closed. During the peak of ragweed season, be sure to frequently clean your house and to make sure your air conditioner filter is clean. Installing a dehumidifier or air purifier with a HEPA filter will clean the air in your home even more. While you’re at it, make sure to wash and dry your clothes inside, and to give your pets a thorough brushing before they come back into the house.

4. Avoid Eating Certain Foods

fruit market

While ingesting local honey is a great way to build up an immunity, there are certain foods that can actually trigger your allergy symptoms. Some fruits and flowers , including bananas, melons, echinacea, cucumbers, zucchini, and chamomile, contain a protein that is similar to ragweed pollen and can therefore cause a similar reaction. If you notice any of these make your allergy symptoms worse, you may want to avoid them during allergy seasons.

By taking these extra precautions, your quality of life will improve, which will allow you to enjoy the rest of the season.

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