Accessibility Policy | Closing the Gap Healthcare skip to Main Content

This policy states our commitment to ensuring accessibility for persons with disabilities in the areas of information, communication, services, and recruitment.  If anyone has a question about this policy or would like to obtain this document in an alternate format, please contact us at or (905) 306-0202 extension 2036.

Human rights are entrenched in law across Canada: The Canadian Human Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms ensure equality of opportunity and freedom from discrimination across Canada. Ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities is gaining momentum across the country: In Ontario, legislation enforces accessibility standards (AODA 2005); while in Nova Scotia, work is underway to shape accessibility legislation that will make the province a more accessible and inclusive place to live. This policy explains how Closing the Gap Healthcare fulfils its commitment to provide a barrier-free environment for our clients, workers, and all other persons who enter our premises, or access our information or services.

Closing the Gap Healthcare (CTG)

  1. Complies with both federal and provincial legislation with respect to human rights and accessibility for disabled persons.
  2. Provides information and services to all persons in a way that respects their dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity.
  3. Ensures our facilities, materials and services are accessible to all persons with a disability.
  4. Solicits and receives feedback from clients, workers, and other stakeholders about accessibility issues and uses this information to inform individualized accessibility or accommodation plans, and continuous improvement of its materials and facilities.

For more information, please view our complete Accessibility Policy

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